It’s happened with two or three past blogs. I start them with an entry titled something like, “Let’s give this another try!” And although I think, no.. I KNOW I can say this blog is definitely a permanent thing, I don’t update it nearly as much as I would like, or should! So.. “Let’s give this another try!” :) I hope to make this blog more of an everyday life-fused-with-career type thing, instead of just, “Here are some photos from a recent shoot” or “Oh, would you look at these?” So here we go!!
Recap! I. am. a. SENIOR!! How did this happen? All at once, I am so, soo eager to start “real life,” but am completely and utterly terrified of it as well. Yet there are a few things that have been amazingly encouraging to me in my fear.
One: I have plans – but God has bigger, and BETTER plans. My plans: to be a world-famous wedding and portrait photographer with every piece of equipment in the universe!! (Riiight.) More realistically though, I just want so desperately to see my business blossom into a full-time job lifestyle. I thoroughly LOVE what I do. I LOVE capturing real moments and genuine love with my camera. Clients tend to laugh at how giddy I get after I take an occasional peek at my LCD screen mid-shoot. It’s just that photography is such a joy for me. Far worth the eye-strain and pulled muscles after a 10-hour shoot. Seriously. :) BUT back to the point. God has plans which supercede my own. And honestly, I’m so thankful for that. I take rest in knowing God is for me, and not against me. He will provide for me. He will never stop pursuing me. And I know He can use me to bless people with the gifts He’s given me.
Two: I’m loved by a boy. A boy who chose me, a year and a half ago, even though he was graduating, moving to Manhattan, and starting his career. A boy who’s traveled to see me every single weekend. Dylan has, for lack of a less cliché phrase, believed in me and my business from the very start, always encouraging me when would-be clients forgo me because of my age, or experience level. Always thinking of new ideas and ways to grow me as a photographer. Oh yeah.. And hoisting me up on his back so I can get a better angle, scouting out new locations for shoots and texting me as soon as he sees one he thinks I may like.. I am so, so blessed.
Three!! I don’t want to speak too soon, but this semester is PIE. My Newhouse courses make up the majority of my workload. But even that amount, is not too bad! It’s nice, because it gives me the opportunity to channel a lot more energy into growing my business.
So yes, this is the beginning of a better blog, readers (if there are any of you!)!! I do solemnly vow to make it a priority! And if I don’t.. Yell at me on the comment section.
And because every post is better with pictures.. Here is what I will be waking up to tomorrow morning, as per usual. My amaaazing duvet. It makes every morning a little brighter and more colorful! :) Check back throughout the week for more posts, as I definitely need to catch up on posting five of my most recent shoots!