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Tidbit Tuesday #98

Interneeet!! It’s November. Do you know what this means?! My baby Sully turns a year old… (Tear.) My January birthday countdown may as well commence NOW.. And it means Half-Christmas is just six weeks away!! For those of you readers who might be new to our antics, Half-Christmas is a legit holiday where all the Alyse’s and Dylan’s of the world celebrate Christmas on the 12th of December, enabling us to enjoy good eats and gifts and togetherness as a small family of three BEFORE venturing home to NY for Christmas, and then Christmas-Christmas. (A girl can’t complain about THREE Christmases, yaknowhaimean?) Oh, and I’m pretty sure Santa’s bringing me a Kelly Moore Classic Bag in grey, and a Cuisinart 9 Cup Food Processor while he’s at it. ;) YAY Half-Christmas!!

I spent a long and incredible few days in Galloway, NJ this past weekend, capturing the nearly-impossible-to-explain-in-less-than-1000-words/BEAUTIFUL wedding of my sweet new friends, Lindsay and Jared! It’s a whole other post altogether, and one that’ll be dropping on the blog later this week.. But let’s suffice it to say for now that I have never felt so overwhelmed and BLESSED to call this my job. And I have never broken down in tears along with a bride in the middle of the dance floor just before heading home due to the bitter-sweetness of capturing something so special, yet having to say goodbye to such genuine, kind, beautiful people. Wait, that’s a lie. That totally happened… And I can’t wait to share more!!!

I spent much of yesterday salivating over my fave Food Network shows, Barefoot Contessa and Giada at Home. Now if you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, then you already know what I’m about to say, but I think it bears repeating.. I LOVE me some Giada de Laurentiis. But the girl loves her consonants a little too much for my ears. And hey, I like to pronunciate as much as the next guy, but her over-enunciation of Italian ingredients makes me giggle every time. Come to think of it, Giada’s a lot like my dad, who can’t help but say “Australia” in an Australian accent… All the world’s gone iiinsaaaaano.

Song of the Week: Sister by Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds. I’ve apparently lived under a rock for most of my life. (But don’t tell Dylan I said that… He’d totally be all, “I’ve been telling you that for THREE YEARS NOW.”) I first heard this song just last weekend. When the bride danced with her brother, and the groom, his sister. If you know me at all, the song absolutely KILLED me. And will likely continue to do so on the 60th time on repeat, I’m sure.

And now a sneak peak at Lindsay and Jared’s Dolce Seaview Resort wedding… Even a freak October nor’easter couldn’t put a damper on this most perfect day. :) (Also be sure to follow our Facebook page HERE to see sneaks immediately after our weddings!!) Here is one of my favorites. More to follow soon!!

Happy Tuesday!!

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  • November 1, 2011 - 12:08 PM

    Kat - Very 1950’s :)

  • November 1, 2011 - 12:09 PM

    Lauren Jolly - I love love love your half-christmas idea! My boyfriend and I have not been looking forward to spending all of Christmas day away from each other (we both have a lot of family to visit) and have been trying to figure out when/how to celebrate together and make it special. Sounds like me, V, and our kitten, Stella, will be taking your advice and having a “half-christmas” of our own (hmmm I sense a cute little christmas-themed family photoshoot coming on!) Thanks!!