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1 For Me // 1 For You | September 2011: WINNER ANNOUNCED!!

What is it about taking a nap that make you feel 17 times worse than how you felt before taking said nap? It’s not that I’m necessarily complaining. (Okay, maybe a tiny bit.) ;) But mostly, I just want to know… Really. WHY does this happen? Also… The other day I posed this question on Twitter: “So if you’re standing two feet from a mirror, are you seeing what someone standing FOUR feet away from you would see? Or just two feet?” I searched and searched and searched the for answer. (Read, I asked my genius brother.) And his answer was this: “It’s 4 feet. Your image is located another 2 feet beyond the plane of the mirror. Add this to the space between yourself and the mirror, and 2+2=4. I love the fact that I have a sister who thinks about crazy stuff like this =]” Therein lies the randomness that fills my everyday thought processes. And so, naturally, it’s off to we go. For a bit more randomness. AND to pick the winner of 1 For Me // 1 For You, who’ll win a 12″x18″ metallic photographic canvas gallery wrap of any high-resolution image of his/her choosing!! And the winner is…

                                       Commenter #28, Danielle Nurenberg!!

Danielle, September’s canvas gallery wrap is all yours! Just shoot an email to to claim it, and then we’ll get talking. :) As always, a HUGE thank you to all who entered this time around. And remember, 1 For Me // 1 For You happens every month. So come on back in October!!

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  • September 18, 2011 - 5:34 PM

    Noël - Congrats!!!! Danielle Nurenber!!!!

  • September 19, 2011 - 10:44 AM

    Danielle Nurenberg - I am sooo excited! I can’t wait to pick my picture after the wedding!!