Alyse French | Fine Art Portrait Photographer | Houston, TX »

Tidbit Tuesday #91

Call me crazy, but I am convinced that traveling just ONE time zone over for a period of five days can still give you ridiculous jet lag. Even if I did sleep for about three hours of our three-hour and 45-minute flight back from PA yesterday. Best flight of my life, by the way. And the parts I remember from being awake were just as sweet as sleep… A young father making up story after story for his little girl behind us about “mama drink” and “papa drink” (I’m going to assume he was talking about apple juice there…) and a plane that could talk. Clearly, I am that easily entertained…

I think it’s safe to say I’ve fallen in love with Allentown, Pennsylvania. It is SO much like my hometown, it’s UNREAL. Down to the random fields of sheep, overly winding back roads, and corn… Ev-er-y-where. Plus, now we can say we have family in PA. So yeah, I’d call it love. :)

Life is beautiful. And God keeps reminding me over and over, especially given the events of these past couple of weeks. Micro bursts that rip out your favorite willow trees surrounding your childhood home. Earthquakes. Hurricanes that wipe out whole communities, and the way whole communities come together to show their support and offer their hands. Weddings. Family. And weddings in your own family. A baby dog named Sully who tries desperately to shake his stubby, non-existent tail to show you how much he missed you while you were away. All of it points to the beauty and power and majesty of our Creator. The good, the bad, and everything in between. Life is such an awesome reminder of His beauty..

Last night, Dylan and I watched the Toronto International Film Festival premiere dramedy, Everything Must Go. Any film with Will Ferrell playing a SERIOUS role, and with such little risk of seeing his famously awkward and naked body, is a film I had to see. So I did. And it was phenomenal. Watch the trailer HERE!!

I get asked quite often by other photographers which camera hand strap I use. Unfortunately, my answer always goes something like this… “Uh, I don’t have a clue. I can’t find any email confirmations or records of purchasing it, but I’m pretty sure I just Googled ‘Camera Hand Strap’ and picked one.” Well, Internet, I have some good news and I have some bad news!! The bad news is that I still don’t know where I got it from. But the GOOD news is that Photojojo has just begun selling these AWESOME handy dandy hand straps and I am totally smitten. Now I just need me one of THESE too. ;)

Song of the Week: Towers by Bon Iver. After waking up the other morning with the American Dad and Pappyland theme songs on shuffle in my head, I knew it was time for some new jams… And you can’t get any better than my pal Bon and his new album. Towers. Check it out!

I’m soo excited to share Josh and Jenn’s engagement with you this week! To be followed by their wedding images next week!! Here’s a peek to hold you over. :)

Happy Tuesday!!

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  • September 7, 2011 - 1:57 PM

    Kate D - you know how much i love bon iver. biiiig props on the song of the week. and agreed on the life is beautiful tid bit. I say that to myself everyday. life, every aspect of it, reflects the beautiful God that created it. I wanna tatoo Life is Beautiful is some beautifully scripted way on my ribs. haha ANYWAYS. i can’t wait at all for new pictures! yess
