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Tidbit Tuesday #84

It’s raining today. This NEVER happens in Houston. Okay, not never. But barely. Ever. And it’s just so gosh darn romantic. I’m about five seconds away from turning off all the lights and lighting all the candles we have. And then turning on some soft instrumental music from Rigoletto. (Feature Films for Families watchers represent!!) With wine. White wine. Yes, these are the things I think about at 11AM in the morning. :)

A few weeks ago I tweeted about successfully avoiding being fitted for a custom night guard for grinding for the last 23 years. I suppose I’ve always liked to question the authority of dentists.. “You don’t want to give me novocaine because you don’t *think* you’ll hit a nerve? GIVE ME NOVOCAINE… No I will not get my wisdom teeth out. I’ve had these four extra teeth in my mouth for the past ten years, and they’ve never given me any trouble, thanks very much!” Well, Internet, for one of the first times in my life, I finally listened to my dentist and got a night guard. It looks ridiculous and makes any words I try to speak completely unrecognizable. But I can’t help but feel special when I wear it. Like a dentist’s pet. ;) With safe teeth.

As much as I wanted to wait in line at 2AM to catch one of the first showings of the new Harry Potter movie this past week, we resisted, and went the following day. Now I am no HP buff. I’ve never read the books, and was certain that the last movie would end with Harry’s imminent death. I JUST realized that Ron was related to the Weasley family. And that Hermione’s name isn’t really pronounced Her-Me-Own. But good entertainment is good entertainment. And this movie is INSANELY good entertainment. And was produced with some of the highest quality footage and most fascinating technique I’ve EVER seen. Never underestimate the role the director of photography plays in storytelling. Eduardo Serra has gained all of my respect.

In less or maybe equally nerdy news, have you heard the story about the Austrian man who won the right to wear a pasta strainer in his license photo? It’s the best. :) And is certain to make you want to convert to Pastafarianism and join the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Just sayin’.

Song of the Week: Roll Away Your Stone by Mumford & Sons. Dylan has fiiinally come to understand my philosophy that when you really love a song, it is perfectly acceptable to play it 72 times in a row. Roll Away Your Stone is simply genius. And beautiful. And lovely. And the lead singer looks like Tim Tebow.

We’ve got plenty of fun posts this week that I am dying to share with you!! Here is a sneak of each: Promo photos of Kat and Rachael of Mustard Seed Photography; and the exceptionally sweet wedding of Maggie and Paul. :) Enjoy for now, and then come back on Thursday!

Happy Tuesday! :)

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  • July 19, 2011 - 11:38 AM

    Jess Z. - I’m watching the weather channel right now (yes, I do that on a regular basis) and they’re talking about the “much-needed” rain in Houston, with possible flash flooding in some places! I was reading your blog as the weather woman was talking about it hahaha. Light some candles and have a good night! Oh, and it can never hurt to add some ice cream in there! waitwaitwait! PS- I went into West Elm for the first time after I saw Harry Potter on Saturday. Ryan and I will now be decorating our new apartment all West Elm themed! SO IN LOVE! :)

  • July 19, 2011 - 11:43 AM

    Sara - Ahhh! I LOVE Rigoletto! I didn’t know anyone else knew that movie existed. <3!

    And I totally want to be a Pastafarian. That's awesome.

  • July 19, 2011 - 2:34 PM

    Alexa Rose - GAH Rigoletto <3 love. and I am so glad that we are getting rain, took long enough!!

  • July 19, 2011 - 3:09 PM

    Janna - It usually rains A LOT in Houston, but this year has been incredibly dry. The drought usually doesn’t start until August. Just you wait, eventually you’ll be stuck in some of the fiercest rain you’ve ever seen.