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Tidbit Tuesday #82

Happy belated fourth of July, Internet! I hope your day was full of hotdogs and potato salad and time spent with the ones you love. Mine was spent filing taxes, eating leftovers from our small dinner party the night before, napping for three hours, finally showering and getting ready for the day at 7PM, taking Sully for a walk around the neighborhood, and watching Kung Fu Panda. Dylan and I weren’t really up to going out for fireworks, especially given Houston’s nightmarish traffic. But I WAS able to catch the finale of one firework show right outside our living room window. As weird as it sounds, I really did enjoy our fourth. :)

One quick reminder that July’s 1 For Me // 1 For You kicked off yesterday, and it’s a super fun, July 4th inspired giveaway! Entering is easy, so make sure to read up on that HERE. Your feet, as well as the feet of a child in need, will thank you!!

Dylan is a very structured person. Whereas, I’m not so much… He goes to bed at the same time every night, and eats oatmeal every morning for breakfast. And the poor guy has to be stirred from his sleep every night I head to bed two hours later and knock over a wine glass, or trip over Sully’s doggy gate, or cause bottles of lotion and shaving cream to come crashing to the bathroom floor at 1AM. Yes, I speak of last night. I am apparently becoming more and more of a klutz every day. But the real point of this tidbit is the fact that even when I finally make into bed, I just lay there for hooours. The only time I can sense the smallest sign that sleep is not far off, is when my brain starts going crazy. Literally. I start inventing weird formulas and patterns and languages in my head. And three seconds later, I can’t recall a THING my brain was just so consumed by. I have suddenly forgotten it all. And that is when I can rest easy. Because it means sleep is just seven more seconds away. Totally weird, right? Please tell me I’m not the only one who is this strange… :)

It’s a BIG week around here! And it is being spent tweaking, re-tweaking, and prettifying a new project very near and dear to our hearts… A project specifically spearheaded by Dylan, with a little Alyse on the side. Launch is this coming Monday. So if I’ve confused the heck out of you with my ambiguity, the wait won’t be too long. Expect a proper introduction in just six days!!

There is seriously nothing in this world like a good ol’ productivity-high. Where out of nowhere, you are wildly inspired to get. things. done! In the 11 days before our next wedding, I have a to-do list a mile long. Lots of boring things like “Cut Sully’s toe nails if you can get him to sit still,” and “Try that new Lime-a-way stuff on the shower door.” But lots of awesome things too! Like re-introducing my office rug into the picture since Sully is now POTTY-TRAINED!! And re-finishing two dresser/night stands for our bedroom. I’ll be sure to write up a full blog post on those beasts. :)

Song of the Week: The Father’s Heart by Hillsong Live. I feel like I’ve been in a major new-music rut lately. But it’s not all bad, as I’ve spent a lot of time catching up with some old favorites. The Father’s Heart is a song with a message that simply breeds joy. I could honestly listen to it on repeat 58 times. (I plead guilty…) HERE’s the MP3. And HERE’s the video!

And now a small peek into our new project! No dogs were harmed in the production of this image…

Happy Tuesday!!

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  • July 5, 2011 - 9:36 AM

    Jess Z. - OHMYGOODNESS I am SO anxiously awaiting the unveiling of this new project!! Ahhhhhhh!! :)

  • July 5, 2011 - 10:00 AM

    pam - omg that is such a cuuuute picture!!

  • July 5, 2011 - 10:13 AM

    jessica - such a sophisticated pup;) love the pic!

  • July 6, 2011 - 7:15 PM

    Jessica Knight - LOVE the Sully pic! (Glad to hear potty training is done!) Oh, and I totally do that thing where I forget what I was JUST so intensely thinking about right before I doze off!! I thought I was nuts.

  • July 8, 2011 - 7:12 AM

    Sarah - Yay Sully! :) What a cute photo idea! I love the color palette used for the props and outfit…especially those socks haha!