There are some weddings you come home from and think, “What on earth am I going to write about this?” It’s not because there isn’t anything to say… But because there’s so much that could be said. And if I could at all articulate it, it would all hold such deep, beautiful meaning. I have so much love, appreciation, and respect for Sandy and Dan. For the way they treat each other.. Value each other above anything and anyone else. For the way they wear their hearts on their sleeves. And for the fact that they are just too plain kind and genuine for words. So naturally, that’s all I can really say…
S & D – Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the absolute joy it has been to document your love for each other. Thank you for making sure I was fed. For trusting me in all aspects of shooting your big day. And for just being you. Together. I hope you enjoy this little sneak peek. XOXO!!
I could not get enough of this incredible clawfoot tub at the Belle Rose Maison!Sandy has the best sense of humor. Ever. One of the very many reasons she’s awesome. :)
Mandy of Your Beautiful Face did an absolutely flawless job with makeup and hair.
All floral was created by Always Floral. And it was perfect.
Love how gooorgeous she looks JUST putting on some earrings.
Sandy and Dan chose to do a first look before their ceremony, and it was completely precious in every. single. way. :)
And because their wedding day timeline was AMAZING, we were able to get some really sweet portraits!
Sandy, do you even KNOW how beautiful you are? I bet you don’t.
Oh, Internet. Do you see what I mean about them?!
As their ceremony began, Sandy and Dan met half-way down the aisle. This is Dan. Happy and in awe of his bride.
Sandy said she wouldn’t cry. Umm, told you so. ;)
Baaayum. Married!
I was in LOVE with the freshness and boldness of the reception decor. And Sandy made these table runners all herself!
Celebrations and Sweet Creations provided the cake!
Don’t let this image fool you. These two know how to tear UP the dance floor.
The bride and her father. :)
The groom’s best man gave a really captivating toast. Can’t you tell?
And then Sandy got down with her bad self. :)
Happy Friday all!!
Kat - Amazing job. AMAZING! Perfect colors, as always :)
Breanna - Love LOve LOVe LOVE!
Kris Milo - Awesome work, as usual. Couple questions:
Obviously, composing correctly in camera saves time in post, but some photographers leave themselves a little room in the image to open up more cropping options in post … do you do that, or just go with full res. images?
Do you use multiple memory cards and rotate them often, or just have one big card? Do you dump the cards during the event?
Lastly, working with such a big aperture, do you get many miss focused shots? Being that you’re a professional, I know you know your camera … but chimping is no indicator of missed focus, so I would think it’s a bit of a risk on the critical shots (ie … the B&W of them walking down the isle, if you miss the focus on her, the shot is lost … which you didn’t and have a stunning image instead btw).
I love your work … very inspiring :)
Capturing Sandy is like having a professional model to shoot – how unbelievably gorgeous!!!!! Beautiful job, as always, Alyse. Thanks for something wonderful to look at at least a few times a week. Much appreciate your blog.
Abbey - They had my cake!!! I remember being 12 and designing that exact cake for my wedding!! :)
Alyse - @Kris – Thanks SO much for your encouragement, as always. There’s something about you Milo’s! :)
I really do try to shoot as close to the vision I have for an image in my head as humanly possible, simply to save time/stress in post. At most, I adjust for tilt.
I have about 12 memory cards that I rotate in use. All in all, they add up to approximately 40 gigs. I do tend to dump as many images at the event as a wedding day timeline will allow me, but that’s just because I’m a complete paranoid weirdo. I feel like the majority of photogs wait until the night is over, which is TOTALLY fine too.
Lastly, I totally understand what you mean, but because I shoot wide open literally ALL the time, I think I’ve become so accustomed to working in that fashion, that miss-focused shots are very few and far between. When it comes to critical shots, like the processional, I try to focus on the bride’s torso because it’s a larger area for my camera to recognize and be able to focus on, AND it’s on basically the same exact plane of focus as the bride’s eyes. :)
Hope this helps!!
I love your work … very inspiring :)
Tish - I had the pleasure and honor of being a guest at this wedding,you have done an amazing job of capturing Dan & Sandy on their special day. Your images don’t even need captions, they speak volumes. Thank you for sharing these photos and of the kind words for them. Dan & Sandy are truly two special people,and together they make one of a kind. We wish them a full life of happiness and all God has for them.
Emma Sharkey - What a gorgeous wedding. Incredibly beautiful images! Just stunning.
michelle - Sandy is looking so happy and beautiful and proud. And, how about Dan? He seems great! Now, this is the Sandy that I know. And, lets keep on smiling.
Debra Adams - Awesome pictures. With such a beautiful couple, and such great photography, ya’ll made my venue really look great. Please send me copies to use for my website!