I have a thing for mail. True, nine times out of ten, the only mail we receive belongs to Miss Heather Potts. (We’ve dedicated a whole cabinet to you. :) It’s ready and waiting for you whenever you’d like it!) But something about the prospect of a hand-written letter or card gets me way more excited than it should. I’m also that girl who checks for random packages at the leasing office just about every single day. You know.. Just in case. :)
A few weeks ago, I got a package with Fujifilm Instax printed all over the box. And just like that I was all, “OMG! Someone sent me a secret birthday present. And I know EXACTLY what it is!” To my unfortunate surprise, it wasn’t a secret gift at all.. It was a video light I’d ordered a week earlier but apparently, had already forgotten about. (This is not to say it isn’t everything I thought it would be, but gosh darn, I thought it was a Fujifilm Instax 210 Instant Camera from some long, lost relative!) And THAT was when I knew what this month’s 1 For Me // 1 For You would be! Let’s recap the rules…
- What is it? It’s pretty simple.. If I have one of something that I find functional, fashionable, or just plain fun, I send one of you (the winner) a duplicate!
- Who can enter? Anyone and everyone who reads this blog. (Except you, Mom..) ;) Whether you’re a friend, client, past client, future client, or random reader somewhere out there in Internet land, enter away! (Please see the not-so-fine print below for full rules and restrictions!)
- How long do I have to enter? You’ll have until next Saturday, February 12th at midnight CST to enter. The winner will be chosen at random using the random number generator at Random.org and announced the next morning (always the second Sunday of the month).
- Awesome! How do I get my shot at winning? You must comment (and answer the specific question asked at the end of the post) on this 1 For Me // 1 For You post to enter. Comments left via Facebook, Twitter or elsewhere will not be taken into consideration this time around.
- But why? Because I’m a photographer and this is a photography blog! :)
Meet my new little friend, the Fujifilm Instax 210 Instant Camera. No longer do we mourn the passing of the Polaroid! This camera takes Fuji Instax wide format 210 film (ISO 800), which is slightly wider than your typical Polaroid 600 (for all you photo-geeks out there). Your packaged set will come with 10 exposures.
More film is super easy to find, and is equally as easy to load. Instant prints develop within seconds, and come right out of this here slot! Also note the viewfinder to the left, as well as the included strap.
Fully programmable with adjustable exposure, focal length and flash, prints from the Fuji Instax have a high-quality, yet funky, retro feel. LOOOVE it.
See what I mean? :)
This camera also comes with an attachable close-up lens with a focal range of 40-45 cm. And the handy little mirror you see to the right helped produce the ridiculousness you see in the lower left of the above photo. ;)
There you have it! A camera and some film for me. And a camera and some film for you!
Question to enter: Describe the first picture you’d take with the Fujifilm Instax 210 Instant Camera if you were to win. Bonus points for those with the funniest answers! Okay, not really… But have fun with it! Ready, set, ENTER! :)
Sarah - If I were to win, the first picture I would take would be of my super-excited-new-proud-owner-of-a-fujifilm-instax-210-instant-camera face!
stephanie - holy schmoly, i need this camera! 1st picture i’d take.. well if i got it before Feb 26th, i’d take some pics of mine & nate’s 1 year anniversary date =) (was that a cute enough answer for ya?) love you lysiie <3
Annie - Tanner, my beautiful baby and center of my universe giving me his toothy, quirky grin that he thinks is a smile.
Randi-Michelle - OMG. I’ve been coveting the Fujifilm Instax camera for months. MONTHS. Best. 1ForYou/1ForMe. Yet. So, to the question:
The first picture I would take would be of something vintage and a little abstract. Something that would make you think of the classic polaroid one step. Like…the legs and feet of the neighbors toddler as he chases after a brightly colored ball. He’s outside doing it RIGHT NOW.
Andi S - I would love to have this because my newest nephew is about to be born and all the other little kids (and adults too) would love to see their pictures with the baby print instantly. The kids never had the experience of the Polaroid like we did when we were young. So pictures of my nephew would have to be the first ones I take if the camera arrives before he does.
Gerri - This would be so handy the first picture I would take would be me passed out on the floor because I actually won something in my life at my age (just say over the hill!)
kate d - SO I’VE WANTED THIS FOR FOREVER! and i’d definitely take my first picture.. of, lets be real, myself. haha i swear I’m not conceeded, and granted it would be with someone else.. but I would definitely be included in the picture
Sandy Kohler - Alyse- first of all, you Rock! this is such a neat concept. The first picture i would take is of my basset hound, Emma. We call her Big Wiggles!
Megan Lange - Not going to lie, the first picture would probably be of my fiancé and me instructing him to smile! :) I have a grand plan to use this camera at my wedding if I win….If I don’t win it, I might actually buy one ;)
Jill Bogli - My first picture would be of Shawn’s adorable little smile, with his first ever, brand new tooth! :)
Athena - What a cool prize! Hmmm…the first pic I would take would probably be of my honey. If not him, then it would probably be of food…lol. I enjoy taking photos of food that I prepare.
Heather - I love taking photographs. I have taken thousands over the years (believe me, I have Rubbermaid totes full) of my 6 kids, two grand kids, the cat, travel, family and now that we have an empty nest, our dog. Roksa’a, the most intelligent, loving, sensitive, Aussie Heeler/Lab mix ever would be my first subject to photograph. I have owned all sorts of cameras over the years including Kodak 110, disc, Polaroid Instamatic, 35mm film cameras, now several digital. This camera would be great fun with instant gratification. :) would love to win.
Kathy - Awwww, what a cute little camera! This is so kind of you :)
I would photograph any “moment” in front of me :)
Samantha - I would take a picture of my beautiful kids. And then they would get pretty excited that the picture would come out right after. :)
Karen A. - the first picture I would take, would be of creation. more specifically, the gorge outside my bedroom window.
jessica - FUN!!! just plain FUN!!! my first pic would be of Simcha…i just know it…she stairs at me until i get out of bed and for some reason i always try to take her picture right away…it has become a morning ritual:) not funny…but the pic would sure be pretty cause she’s a rockstar kitty;)
Jesslyn Amber - Love it Alyse! I would take pictures of random objects! Like good and nature, then make an inspiration board!
Meghan Stang - I would photograph my gorgeous college campus, before I graduate in May!!
HilarieMae - I’m reading this book called “One Thousand Gifts” (which I highly recommend) for a virtual book club on incourage.me. The author suggests that drawing closer to God is about offering gratitude for everything He gives us, even the things we don’t understand. I’m starting a mural that’s 8’x8′ and will eventually be comprised of 1,000 things I’m thankful for, some expressed in words, some in pictures. I’d use the Fujifilm Instax to take pics of blessings for the mural.
Claire - I would use it largely for documenting my days, So I’m guessing, the first meal of the day ! BREAKFAST- Oat meal and sauteed veggies with eggs! YUMM :)
vickie - I’d take one of my hubby when I show him what I won
Karina Colorado - I would take a picture of my first valentine’s meal with my fiance in our first place. YUM!
Anthony Vu - I would take a picture of my sweet drumset.
Riley Woods - ahh I need to win this! If I won I would take a picture of the new (well, old, but new to me) argus seventy-five I just bought at an antique store.
Molly - I would definitely have to take a goofy family picture for our fridge!
Rebecca Orr - Mmmm…I am imagining all the wonderful photos I could take with this camera. I love my old Polaroid…but since they don’t make film for it anymore {boo hoo hoo} and I am not too keen on paying $50 for one pkg of film that expired 3 yrs ago. I would start with a photo of my cousin’s newborn and her big sister or one of my 3 yr old making one of his many goofy faces at me! That’s not too funny…but it would make for a cute photo for their fridge {or mine!}.
Thank you sooo much for the awesome chance! <3
Rebecca O bekki1820cb at gmail dot com
Molly C - my first pic would be of my puppy!!
Heidi Weber - The first thing I would take a picture of is when my puppy wakes up in the morning. She is so cute!
angie - I would take picture of my grandbabies
Mackenzie Mitchell - my pregnant belly as it grows :)
Alicia Pyne - AHHHHHHH….Must win!!! Love Love Love this!!! If I win, the first thing I would take a picture of is our new house. Because, according to my calculations by the time the Random Generator Picks my number next weekend and you ship it out to me on Monday the 14th…it will arrive by Friday the 18th – the day we close on our first home!!! Yes…I am feeling lucky!! :)
Cari Hoffman - WOW! I have been searching for a fun camera like this! If I got this camera the first picture I would take is my feet. For some weird reason when I get a new camera, my feet are the first things I take bc I am trying to figure out how to use it! How fun!
Kat - I might photograph you – little miss! :) PS: I want the camera!!!
Erin - i don;t know if I could wait…but it would be so fun to take on our trip to ITALY in May!!!! (so excited!!!)
Rachelle - Myself, so you could see how happy I am to be a winner! Haha :) Or on second thought, I would save it for the day we reunite with our family in NY. (I love your work Alyse!)
Trisha Holm - This is an awesome giveaway, I love retro…I think I would have to get a couple gal friends together and take pictures of us in our sunglasses…
Kelli Wood - this camera is amazing! if i won this my first picture would be one of my son i can NEVER have enough pictures of him!!
Jenn - This is a way cool 1 for me/ 1 for you! I think I’d document my commute to work, so my first picture could be anything from the row of brownstones on my street, a crazy subway passenger, my morning cup of green tea or just the strange lil pigeon crossing my path.
Carolina - I would take a picture of my children making goofy faces!
What a wonderful giveaway!
Jen - I would take a picture of my little girl giving her all tooth smile! I love it!
haley - My first photo would be of my dogs…if i could get them to sit together!
Rachael B - If I would win, I’d take a picture of my only photo subject these days-my new baby!
Suz - I would have loved to take a picture of our little ones class today – they had collected cans of soup for a “souperbowl” donation; each can of soup voted for either the Packers or Steelers and at their school, the Steelers “won” with the most cans of soup. These are little kids though, who don’t stay up to watch the Superbowl, and some got very irate when they were told that the Packers ACTUALLY won… : )
scottsgal - I’d take a picture of my black tri-colored springer spaniel carrying around his stuffed sloth – just because he’s so photogenic and pretty and really who has a stuffed sloth?
christina moodie - I woud use it on our trip to Seattle coming up! That would be so fun!
Aly - What a cute camera. We are doing a photo guestbook at the wedding and this would be perfect! But my first pic would definitely be of Romo!
Jessica Zieman - Okay, I can’t lie… the first picture I’d take with this amazing little device would definitely be Clementine. She’s just so perfect, how could I not?! This camera is AWESOME! Judging by your pictures, you must carry it around your apartment complex with you… ohhhh, and I would SO do the same (including following my kitty cat around the apartment because, and let me repeat, she is just so gosh darn cute!) Love this camera, love you and happy Monday! <3
Tabitha - I would take a picture of my boxer =) He holds more stil than my 5 year old daughter. lol
Krystal - I would teach my son to use it and let him take one of his masterpieces. These usually include one of the family, when they least expect it, or his funny closeups. Maybe, one day, he’ll be into photography like his uncle.
Molly L - I would have take a few pictures of my black lab bo. Probably playing in the snow, making “bo-angels”. Since we’re still in the process of acquiring 5+ feet of snow here in Maine, making a new bo-angel is a daily occurrence in our house. We’d love to have a perfect little camera to join us!
Heidi Ann - my best friend!
Carol W. - Well, how about a gorgeous sunset or maybe a hummingbird will be kind enough to pose for me!
Noël - If i won i would take pictures of the trees with snow on them soo pretty!
Alison - Definitely a picture of my kitty Bruce!
Gina R - My first picture would be of my boyfriend, he always takes silly pictures, and with this camera it will be instant gratification for him and his silly pictures
Stef Campolo - The first picture I’d take would probably be of my piano (a close-up of the keys) :]
Adrienne Bayles - hmmm well I always think surprise pics are the best… so maybe I’d sneak up on Imani and Sarah! Or do a mini photo shoot with my small group!
Lamb - It’s not the funniest answer, but I would take a photo of me and my Sexy Nerd together :)
I hope I win! I’ve been in the market for a new camera.
lambaround at gmail dot com
Sarah Korzun - I would take a picture of the first random puppy I saw because I’m at school, otherwise I would take a picture of my own puppy!!
Sarah Darbonne - I would take it on my honeymoon and take all of my pictures from Ireland on it!
Kristen Padula =) - creative answer: a polka dotted flamingo on our roof
real answer: prolly my excited face =)
Imani - I would take a picture of myself with the HUGEST, and most GENUINE smile on my face, because winning this camera would probably fulfill my happiness quota of the semester! :)
Emily Snitzer - Love it! My first picture would probably be of my favorite and most patient (aka lazy) model, my pug Bronx :)
Gabe Guzman - My first picture would be of my beautiful wife! Oh baby!!!
Michelle - Definetely of my youngest daughter. She’s 17 months old and she is always stripping off her diaper and clothes. I need a good naked go to picture of her to blackmail her when she’s older! Mwahahahahaha!
Terri - I would take a picture of my (think-she’s-human) cat.
amber gi - my first pic would be of me- via the mirror ,grinning like a monkey cuz i won!
tattgiff at centurytel dot net
Abbey - If I were to win, the first picture I would take would be of whatever is in front of me at the very moment i receive it. :)
Amber Jacoby - oh man! hmm…I’d probably put on one of they many pairs of ADORABLE shoes i’m expecting in the mail any second now and take a picture of my feet. yepp.
Plus my friends wedding is coming up and this would be PERF for her photo booth!!
Jeanie - I would take a picture of my silly grin and send it to Alyse, because I would be super excited for a new camera toy! :D
Leigh Ann - I want that camera!!! The first picture I would take is of my crazy 2 year old daughter. She thinks shes a super model already:-)
Rebekah - Love this! I would use this camera to take a picture of my beautiful niece Renae with her favorite “all i ga tor” as she says it. Then I would have it ready to take a photo of my lil’ nephew right after he is born and then I could send the instant photo to my Grandma. How perfect would that be? :)
Mischelle Morgan - The first thing I would probably take a picture of would depend on who was there when I opened it. If my boys were there then I would take it if them cause they just SO LOVE mom taking pictures of them. (NOT!) So it is funny to see their expressions and the AWW MOM CUT IT OUT!!
Pam - The first picture I would take is one of me & my son being our extra dorky & awesome selves! :D And I know my 2 year old would LOVE this, he’s showing interest in cameras! :D WOO HOO!
Chelsea - Im actually trying to win this for my sister, she’s really passionate about photography. If I won it for her, I’m sure the first picture she would take would be either some cute still life she came up with with random items around our house, or an amazing nature photo. (:
Carrie Stiles - This is such a great camera! The first picture I would take would be of my best friend who is coming in to town on February 18th, right about the time the winner would get the camera (which is me!). She is 33 weeks pregnant so I would just do an mini maternity shoot for her!
Jada Schroeder - This isn’t going to be the funniest answer…
but, i’d probably take pictures of my ten year old Boston Terrier, Abrum. He’s getting sick and the only pictures I have are pictures with him from when I was younger with a film camera or on my phone which has horrible quality.
I haven’t took any pictures since then and now I am fifteen.
I want to remember him with pictures before he passes, since not everything lives.
There are alot of nice/funny answers & I respect your decision if you may not choose me. & good luck to everyone else.
Nina - My first picture would probably be of my yard. The snow is beautiful, and I want to capture it before it melts.
Maniya - The first picture I would take would be a picture of me standing in front of the bathroom mirror with the camera in my hand taking a picture of me with the camera in my hand, all the while smiling of course!!!!
Cecilia - For the past two days, the kitten from upstairs has had “visitors” messing with it so I’ve lent a hand (whether the hand will have to become literal now depends) to help it out. I don’t know, it makes me really happy having helped it out(my knees are still shaking), and so I’d probably take a picture of the cat, preferably on the stairs.
Otherwise, I’d snap my baby nephew.
Samantha - If I were to be lucky enough to win this camera, the first picture I would take would be of the MASSIVE (and I do mean massive) pigeons that are at the train station by my school. These bird are like regular pigeons, but on steroids. I hope I get this camera, it would be a great treat!
Christina Shippey - Wow!! This looks like fun!! I think the first thing I would take a picture of would probably end up being my super sweet/cute niece or nephew….. or maybe I would pull on of those cheesy self-portrait-in-the-mirror pics out….. who knows??!
Melanie Van De Graaff - I would gather my family for some cheerful pictures to send to family members. :D Thanks
Nicholas Winston - I would want to take a picture of my extended family because we’ve never been all together under one roof.
Amy Pape - oh my…this is wonderful!
hmmm…I would run through the hallway of my dorm and take a picture of the first person I came across…hand them their picture…excitedly jump about pointing out just HOW AWESOME the camera is…and then run away.
…but maybe not because that IS a bit creepy. :)
christina - I would take a picture of my boyfriend and my dog!
Erin H - Ahhh, I’ve wanted this camera ever since it came out, but I couldn’t afford it!
The first shot I would take with this camera? It would probably be of my family and I or my friends and I. My friends and family are the most important parts of my life. I could never go on without them; they are my support beams and they hold me up through the worst of times, and cheer me on during the best. We have the occasional argument, but there is no way that I could ever hate them, ever. They are my life. They are more important to me than school, music, art, literature…They are amazing, and I love them. (:
I would use the first exposure to take a picture of all of us, for sure–maybe even all 10 (exposures)! ;)
My answer isn’t funny, and there were some funny ones on here, but if I won this…it would make my entire year.
Good luck, to everybody. (:
Lauren Menkemeller - If I were to win, the first picture would be of my little brother and I. Right now, I’m 16 and he’s only 18 months old. There’s a big age difference between us and I know that I’ll be gone for college by the time he is old enough to begin having memories. So I’ve been borrowing cameras from my friends or just using the camera on my phone to take pictures with him. I wish I could be here while he grows up, but I know that I have to get an education elsewhere. So hopefully while I’m away at college, he’ll be able to look at the pictures of us and know that I was always there even if he can’t remember me.
Charmaine Agbuya - Ah, the beauty of instant pictures. Thinking about it, the very first thing I’d love to instantly capture is a shot of my grandmother, my mother, and I together–3 generations within one, instant and permanent picture. I’d definitely give it to my grandma.
My grandma as an adult was always into Polaroid films and scrapbooking, but when she moved to the US her family in the Philippines stole some of her cameras and even some of her scrapbooks. She’s here, and her walls are FILLED with her old pictures. It’s just a surprise she has no picture of her present self on her wall, yknow? I’m sure she’d be joyous for another, and new, picture in her room. And, I’ve always thought seeing generations within one picture is beautiful. (:
Goodluck to all! It’d be wonderful to win this, though. <3
Jazmin - I’ve collected about 4 polaroid cameras but have run out of film months ago! I would love to have the fujifilm instamax cam! The first photo I would probably take would either be of me&my boyfriend or me&my momma.
Georgia - I would take pictures of my granny who is 94, my mom who is 72, me 53 and my daughter who is 24. We are all living together right now, 4 generations under one roof. It’s a temporary thing, but it is fun!
gmissycat at yahoo dot com
Laurie P - I would take pictures of my 3 adorable dogs and my fat kitty. :-)
What an awesome giveaway. Thanks so much!!
Ashleigh - I love the city ( I live and study in NY), and I love taking pictures of things people tend to overlook. So if I was chosen to win this lovely camera, I would go for a long walk with no destination in mind and take pictures of everything, ignored things in their natural state.
Thank you for having this contest, and I hope I win! :)
Kayla - I’ve been wanting one of these cameras forever!
The first picture I would take would most likely be my friends while at school. They love oldschool things and this would be awesome!
Trish - The first picture I would take would be of my kids!
Taylor - I would hop on a plane to paris, find myself a decent “le garcon” and ! Oh what a dream…:-)
liz e - Oh man, the choices! I probably would take a photo of my sun conure parrot Oliver. She’s so bright and colorful and a great reprieve from the white-out I see outside my window here in snowy Chicago!
S Carter - I will take a picture of my 2 training buddies as we get ready for the Susan G. Koman breast cancer 3 day- 60 mile walk.
Danielle - I would take a picture of my fiancee and I. We haven’t taken a single picture since becoming engaged in December. It saddens me to think about it.
Danielle - I would take a picture of my fiancee and myself. We’re not picture takers; however, the instant prints would encourage us to take more.
@nola727 - Awesome camera. It’s payback time for my brother–catch him while on the can? hmmm….no..not mean enough
nolagirl727 at yahoo dot com
Abby - i’d take a picture of my little sisters and dog playing in the snow together, or a picture of me and my friends, since those two things are the things that make me the most happy. cheesy, i know.
i’ve always loved photography, and my family can’t really afford a camera like this, so i think it would really amazing to win :)
Kathleen - I would take a picture of my dog. I have a really cute pic of when she was young and now that she is older, I’d like to have another cute pic. She was looking under the porch for a critter I guess and don’t know how to recreate it but will try.
Adam - My first picture would be of perhaps my best friend, Annie, who is beautiful and absolutely photogenic; almost every picture I have taken of her has come out as one of my favorites. I have always been obsessed with InstantFilm cameras, like the Polaroid and Fujifilm, but have not had the opportunity to own one and I would love to!
Good Luck to all!!
Wendy R. - I’d take a picture of my daughter… as I gave this to her as a birthday gift!! (It was either that or my drooling, snoring, sleeping husband but I thought a pic of my daughter would be better for the internet at large.) ;) haahahahah!
Wanda - I’d take a picture of your website, then i’d post the photo in my blog telling people how I won my camera! :)
Bonnie P - The first picture i’d take is the morning rise, out of my computer room window.
Vanessa - i would love to use this camera on all the vacations coming up this summer!!
Liz I. - The first pic I’d take would be of my 2 little boys. They’d love seeing the pic of themselves develop! :)
Sarah Beara - The first picture I would take would be of my 2 year old dancing around the living room!! and tell him to shake it like a [fugifilm] pick-chaa!! whoooppeee :]
Michelle Sanchez - The first picture I would take with this would be pre-deployment pictures of my husband with our newborn; the second picture that would be taken is the day my husband leaves for his 4th deployment, and finally the last picture that would complete this collection would be a picture of my husband returning 7 months from now and the first embrace between him and our daughter who will be a year when he returns. Any old camera can capture these moments, but winning this camera would allow for my husband to take these photos of him, me, and our darling daughter with him and allow for him to save space in his packs.
April - Oh! I’ve been eyeing this camera for awhile since the passing of the great Polaroid (R.I.P.), and would love the get my hands on one of these! My first picture taken would probably be of my fiance and I making silly faces as our first picture together as a newly engaged couple or I most likely just end up snapping a shot of my not so mini (more like festively plump) mini schnauzer.
Teresha@ Marlie and Me - The first picture I’d take is a self-portrait of me cheesing in the mirror with my new camera!
Lelia - I’d take a shot of the rooftops of brooklyn at sunset. I just think it would look great. This camera reminds me of all the iphone photos that are floating around these days, but it is real! and produces instant (real, not digital) photos!
Kristin Nicole - I would take a picture of my adorable husband
Danielle - My daughter now 5 is innNNNn to music, girl music! Wants it playing all the time! With each year she seems to come with a new signature dance, and this year it’s a hip wiggle. Whether school friends, funny cartoons or just her own imaginative fun inside she has come up with a sassy little worm wiggle. With her hands to the sky, face full of fun and sass, and her hips wigglin’ like a worm she moves in little circles. And one of these days I’d love to catch it in a photo. If I were to win, thats what I would photograph, her year of hip wigglin’ innocence and fun.
Young Kim - If i were to win, the first picture i would take would be me, my excited face and my roommate!
Katherine - I would take a picture of my kids. Actually, they would probably be begging me to take the first picture, my little ones love taking pictures!
Rhonda - The first picture I’ll take with the Fujifilm Instax 210 Instant Camera when I win is a picture of my clean garage. After all, if I win, it’ll be nothing short of a miracle-likewise with me having a clean garage. :)
RC Lations - I would take a picture of my girlfriend Lily the first moment she saw me with this camera in my hands.
Lily Townsend - I would take a picture of my cat Meelo! She get very confused when you hold anything in front of your face!
Rebecca L - If I won this I would take pictures of my girls. It would allow me to take pictures and not have to worry about getting them printed off. I would LOVE this. We have no camera currently except for on our cell phones.
Tiffany Hood - I know mine is not funny sorry lol. I am getting married and I would love to be able to view the photos right then and then when I take them :) This also allows my guest to take some home too esp. for those who live in a different country.
becky clowney - My daughter she cant get enough of the camera :)
Hannah Q. - Oh so fun! I would take funny pics of my husband & me to send back to our friends in Chicago. I love taking random photos of whatever is happening in my life…that’s what my whole blog is about. Thanks for sharing!
Dawn - The first picture I would take with this amazing camera would be of my beautiful mother =)
Nursalam ibrahim - Honestly, I can’t even think of the first picture I would take if I’d win this Polaroid. I just know that the first picture will symbolize something in my life. Maybe the sun, maybe my friends or my family. Could be of my adventures as I walk the streets of downtown with my friends. All I know is that I would appreciate every single moment if that Polaroid were in my hands.
Kate W. - I’d photograph a few of my favorite friends!
ShootingStarsMag - I would love to take a picture of my friends…not too original, I know, but my friends are goofy…it would be a wonderfully fun picture.
Christi Baham Willie - I would take of course pictures of my 23 month old daughter. She is a total character and you NEVER know what is coming next!! I would love this one instead of the old funky camera I have that takes crappy pics! This one would give us real clear GREAT pics of her!!!!1
kelsey - I’d take a picture of every house I’ve ever lived in, and then I’d hang them all up together in the entryway of my apartment now so I could remember how much “home” changes. I’d continue the tradition every time I moved.
Brandy Peacock - The first picture will be of my 4-year-old daughter at the beach with mud in her hands and water gushing in over her rain boots. It’s our sanctuary and just a rad place to be. Oh, and maybe even a sly product placement – maybe the box floating in the tide…of course we’d pick it up like all the other trash we seem to collect on our adventures. It will be even more fantastic because I will have fought the urge to take a picture of the mail garbage on my desk just to take a picture.
Taylor Rose - If i won this, first picture would definitely be one of my dog Bowser, and maybe with me in it! Just a nice way to celebrate. :D
Michelle Ann Cala - The very first thing I would take a picture of with this camera would be the beautiful Hawaiian sun :) it’s been quite rainy these past few days and I miss the bright, sunny warmth on my skin.
Jessica Pestka - I would so take pics of my dog, Dave. What a great looking instant.
Huma - Wow, what a great contest, and a great question! I’ve recently gotten into photography and would LOVE this! As for my first picture…I’d probably take a picture of my favorite pit bull at the Humane Society Shelter I volunteer at. Her name is Lacey, and she is the sweetest, smartest, prettiest dog ever. I taught her how to shake hands on top of the standard dog commands, figuring that she needed some extra gimmicks because people are a little leery when it comes to pit bulls. They are the slowest to be adopted. But she’s the best and I just know she’ll go to a good home soon. :)
Naomi - I would take a picture of my cousins, brothers, & me & snail mail it to my aunt in Mexico, who after years of struggling with technology, has given up on digital photography. This would be a great way to keep in touch with her & keep her up to date with the family! :)
Janet F - I would take a picture of my adorable new puppy. I would love to take some of him doing funny stuff.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
Aimee - I would take a picture of my boyfriend and hang it on the fridge immediately =)
tori - The first picture would be of my daughter being her cute self!!
jade frank - my first picture would be of my new kitty i’m getting in a week!! epppp sooo excitedd
rajee - I would take a picture of my 2 cute sons. I want to learn to be a good photographer like you :)
angie - while this may not be a funny comment this will be a honest comment. This week I had a grandson born to me and I would take lots of pictures of him
Bria - The first picture I would take would be of my friend–a kind of “before” picture. Something to motivate her to lose the weight she’s always wanted to lose. I’d then give her the camera and tell her that when she’s fit and hot she can take a picture of her new self and see the progress she’s made. Out of all my friend’s who are “dieting”, she seems to be the only one sincere about it and actually trying, so I wish her the best of luck.
Johannah B - The first picture…. well, I am going to the NBA all star game in LA next weekend… so the first celebrity I see! There are sure to be LOTS and LOTS of them!
bridgette butcher - What a GREAT giveaway. fingers are crossed. Ok, I would take a pic of my 3 kids w.these tee’s saying “little fockers”(Like the movie Little fockers, I won a giveaway and the tee’s came with it lol just to clarify. ;D) how funny would that be!!!!! catokayyou21@gmail.com
Sarah - Lysie! I completely keep up on your life via this blog btdubs. And this camera thing is awesome!! I would use it to take a picture of my two friends in port in the Bahamas, who I’ll be going on a cruise with in March…first vacation in eons it feels like!
PS Love you, miss you!
Melissa F. - I would take a picture of my mom laughing because her being happy is always a kodak moment.
1 For Me // 1 For You | February 2011: WINNER ANNOUNCED!! | Alyse French Photography | Houston-Based Wedding and Lifestyle Photographer - […] you for making my morning. :) With that said, it’s off to Random.org we go! The winner of February’s 1 For Me // 1 For You giveaway […]
Kelly D - I would take pictures of my 2 kids during my daughter’s birthday party that is coming up soon.