*VOTING CLOSED* Huge thanks to all who voted and helped us choose our new canvas! The winning image with 22 votes is… Number ONE, from Rebekah and Jonny’s Saratoga Springs, NY day-after session. :) Number five came in with 17 votes, two with 16 votes, four with 12 votes, and three with 6 votes. Stoked!
Now the fun-er part (it’s legit because I hyphenated it)… The winner of either a $20 iTunes or $20 Starbucks gift card is… Our good friend and past client, Michael Kaemmer, whose beautifully-handsome hands are featured in image number two. ;) GO, MIKE!! Please send me a message with your gift card preference, and we’ll get it to you ASAP! :) Thanks again, y’all! And have a fabulous night!!
There are things in this life I like to avoid. At all costs. And when I asked Dylan for examples in preparation for this post, I knew I’d spoken to a most-knowledgeable source… I can’t be counted on to mail out our Netflix. I think it’s because my subconscious knows about their no-late-fees policy. I avoid going inside the bank, and wait in five-car-long ATM lines instead. I nuh-ever refill our Brita pitcher.. So Dylan bought his own. (Can you believe that guy?) And I avoid eating. It’s definitely not intentional.. I just get in the groove of whatever work I’m doing and realize at 5PM that I haven’t eaten breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Thankfully, my sweet husband hacked my Google Calendar yesterday to set up email reminders. And at 11:20AM this morning, I received the following alert as a testament to my avoidance issues…
For the looongest time, I’ve been wanting to order canvases for our studio space. (Meaning, above our couch.. Since I work from these worn-out cushions 99% of the time.) But I’ve been avoiding it like the plague because I just can’t decide what I want! That’s where YOU guys come in. I’ve narrowed our options down to five images, all of which are abstract and, I feel, would work well as in-home art as well as samples for client meetings. We’d LOVE it if you’d leave your vote (please choose only one) in the comment section! And if you make it to the end of this post, you’ll see the little incentive that’s in store… ;)
1) From Rebekah and Jonny’s Saratoga Springs, NY day-after session.2) From Patricia and Michael’s Memorial Park picnic engagement.
3) From Nichole and Seth’s Deansboro, NY wedding.
4) From Molly and Ryan’s Syracuse, NY engagement.
5) And from Randi and Curtis’s Sam Houston Park wedding.
And just to make things a little more interesting, when voting ends at 9PM (CST) tonight, one of you will be chosen at random to receive your choice of either a $20 iTunes OR $20 Starbucks gift card. So get voting, and check back later tonight! :) Happy Thursday!!
stephanie - number 5.
weddings + old cams = lysiie.
Erin Haase - I vote for #5!
Noël - I love number 1!!
Abbey - #1 (and not because i know them) :p
Alyssa - #4 love the colors… plus it’s my brother and his wife :-)
Jen Cassel - I vote #1!
Jessamyn - #3
Oh, so elegant! Simple and perfect – I love it!!
…my computer just goofed on me – I posted to the wrong entry! :)
Erica M - No. 5 and I have avoidance issues too, like omitting a major ingredient from dinner last night because I didn’t want to go to the store ;)
Heidi Ann - #4! #4! #4!
rcowin - I vote for number 5 and REALLY not because I know them. ;-) I vote for number 5 because it’s a wedding AND it involves your love of vintage cameras AND because if you DO use the Exa and shoot film in the business it will become even MORE relevant to you and your unique and wonderful brand AND because I like the white at the edges (phew, now thats a run-on you would be proud of). I think it’s important to consider how the canvas will look, wrapped around a frame. For example, I especially like the slats on the left that will create a pattern instead of just blurry color. AND (I swear its the last one) because isn’t your living room fairly neutral colored? If you have to stare at this thing, shouldn’t it be something that you think fits in your home?
Aimee - Love #1
surabi - I love all the pictures but i vote for #5
Alexia Thomas - I’m going for #5!! Great photo!
Corinne - I vote #5 – vintage wedding with vintage cameras!
Laurie P - I vote for number 2. Pretty :-)
Alicia - #5 will look great in your apartment/studio space!!! And Dylan is too cute for leaving you a remiinder to eat and DRINK WATER!! :)
Cortney M. - No. 5! I love them all (and #1 is a very close second), but I agree with rcowin – no. 5 involves your love for vintage cameras. :)
April Islip - I vote for #2, this is something that is going to be hung in your home so I feel it should feel relevant to your life most of the time. His hands over hers shows the love you always capture in your pictures and the vintage camera represents so much of who you are. :)
Maritna - #1 and #4 are lovely but #5 is by far my favorite=)
Danielle - I think that #5 is my favorite!!
Adrienne Minor - I vote for #2! I like that the camera is the central focus of the photo and I love the colors!
Adrienne Minor - P.S. I think it’s ironic that I read your blog post to avoid doing something I need to get done!
pam - i vote for #4!!! :) it’s gorgeous & i just love the pictures!!
btw, super cute google reminder from dylan :)
Lynda - All of the images are beautiful but I especially love # 5 for my sweet friends, R&C, and for the vintage cameras!!!
Sarah - For the canvas I vote #2. But I also think it would be fun to print the others and create a wall collage. Use same or different frames and group them. Better yet, get vintage frames! You could hang them with ribbon if it worked in your home. Or not :)
Joanne Pendergast - If this is a commonly used living space, i would go with #2 (its timely, not-season or specific event related, and really classic) if this is a business space, i totally dig #1 :)
Athena - I vote for #2. I too like the fact that the camera is the focus of the photo. I love everything about that photo.
Karen A. - I vote for number 1! I love the imagery that they have started their journey together!
Jessica - Number 1! Very unique!
Sarah Jane Capper - Number 1!
Emily - i love # 4!
Maniya - I love #1. It’s interesting and artsy:)
Maniya - I thought I posted my comment but I don’t see it, so I’ll do it again. #1 for sure.
Rebecca - I vote for #1!
Casey! - #1. To see it everyday, you have to like what you’re looking at right? Well, I like his socks. ;]
Mischelle Morgan - Ok so I had to look them over SEVERAL time since thay are all SO awesome!! But I finally have to choose #1. but if I got a second choice it would be %5 too haha!! Just had to throw that out there!! Can you do a colage of all of them???? Sorry just confusing the matter! 1, def 1.
kate - #4. oh and i love you.
Kat - Number 2!!!!!!
Christina Shippey - #1!!! Love it!!
Jess Zieman - After LOTS of time spent scrolling and being very indecisive, I have to go with #1. It really stands out, it’s fun and I love the details! His socks and the purple flowers in her hand… LOVE! I’m not in this for the gift cards, so I actually hope I don’t win haha, but here’s my input all the same! Love youu! :)
Jess Zieman - But oh, do I love #5 toooooo!
Noelle - I think they are all amazing….Butttt I think I would have to go with #5. It just encompasses everything you do…Cameras, Weddings, Cutting peoples heads off (which looks awesome) :) My second choice would be #2 again for the fact that it shows your love for vintage cameras, colors, and no heads again. Haha!
Stephanie Pillsbury - My vote is for #3. It’s the essence of you and Dylan!
Stephanie Pillsbury - Dote! i got my #s wrong! my vote is really for #2! I obviously can’t pair the number with the correct image!
Michael - Hands down #2. The unique decision to focus on the camera rather than people is an eye-grabber augmented by the simple fact it is a cool feel with the gentle cradle of the retro camera in tender hands supported by a solid foundation. Its a comment enticer.
Meghan Stang - I love the first one!
Kathy B - #4 because, if you are going to have a wedding couple on canvas over your couch, it should be of the two of you! Just my opinion. #4 also has the most dimensions and colors. :)
Grace Chen - I like number 5 too. =)
mabyn - #4
A beautiful image + Molly & Ryan have a friendship with you. Double points if you ask me.
Jessilyn - i vote for #5
Imani - Definitely #2. That engagement shoot is one of my absolute favorites from you!
Missy - #1 for sure. When I look at that picture, I smile and giggle and think…..that photo really shows Alyse’s fun loving personality :)
Breanna - I like #3, beautiful!!!
Katelyn - #4
Kristen Padula =) - ahh so hard to decide! i’m gonna go with two.
lindsay - numba two
chad - #3
Weslea - #3!
Erin - well, it’s a toss up between 1 & 2. But I would have to go with one, cause I just love those Jause’s
cwilson - I like #5. I think all five pictures are great!! #1 is a really fun shot, but I have to vote for #5.
Sarah - I think #2!
Denise - They’re all great but I dig #1 the most!
Kate - I like 3 or 5!
Rachel - #2 for sure!!
Lorae - #1 definitely.
Christina G. - I really love #4!
Becca - I love #1!
heather - NUMBERRRR 4! i love it!
Mary Ann Barker - #1 – hands down. Love it!
Brittany Woelfel - #5!I love that you can see her smile. :D
andrea alemany - #4!
Amy Hedges - Definitely #2- I have the same camera and it works so well in photos!! I see you have vintage cameras in #4 as well, but I like the informality of #2. Not so sure I would want someone elses wedding photos in my living room! :)
lizzie parker - hmm..i’m gonna have to go with number one:) partly because i know them and partly because its simply amazing!
spencer walkowiak - #1
Angela Williams - #1 is my favorite!! <3
Kandi - Number 5! :) I love the smile!
Noël - Congrats Michael!!!!!!!:)