Last weekend, Dylan and I had the total honor of shooting engagement portraits for the most ADORABLE couple. Ever. Nathan, the infamous camera-shy fiancée, ended up a TOTAL natural. To that I’d like to say, “I told you so!” ;) And Laura? She ended up being just as charming and beautiful as her emails. Because, let’s face it.. If you use half as many exclamation points and smiley faces in your emails as I do, we are destined to be friends. :)
Fun fact! All of these images were shot either in our apartment complex’s courtyard, interior, exterior, or right across the street. For seven months I’ve been wanting to take advantage of all the color and all the character our building and nearby surroundings have to offer. And Laura and Nathan trusted me enough to go for it!
L & N – Thank you so much for spending your Saturday afternoon with us! We had a blast capturing the love you share, and the transparency of your hearts for each other made our job easy. :) We hope you enjoy this sneak peek! XOXO!!
Courtyard time!
See guys? I’m funny! ;)
Could you two be any more fierce?
The one on the left might just be a favorite.
Love Nathan’s expression here. And Laura? You’re gorgeous.
I’d say a good majority of our time together was spent laughing. Here’s some proof. :)
This image. This couple. Just speaks love to me in so many ways.
Hot shoes? Check. Killer legs? Check. (You too, Nathan.)
Dylan’s setup. My shot.
To the Nathan in the lower right. You KILLED it. Rawr.
And thank you Jesus for random vine-covered garages! (And pretty clients who make ’em look just that much better.)
This right here was taken in front of my favorite restaurant right across the street from our place. Piola. Check to see if there’s one in your city. And then GO!
We also spent a short while inside the office/lobby of our complex before wrapping up. And I’m so happy we did!
Happy Thursday!
pam - LOVE LOVE LOVE these! Wonderful job once again! :) And Nathan’s ostrich boots are wonderful, I’m after a pair for myself. LOL
And I sooo know where all these were taken, I was like…wait I know where that is LOL Great spots to shoot!
Sarah Vaughn - These photos are absolutely gorgeous. As Nathan’s mother, they brought tears to my eyes. I know these two are truly meant for each other, but to see it through pictures is priceless. Thank you for capturing the Nathan I know and love and his beautiful bride-to-be. You are a VERY talented photographer.
Noël - Great job Alyse!!!!!!!!!!
Laura - I know I already told you, but I can’t stop looking at them! LOVE them!
CITY ENGAGEMENT PHOTOS : InnerLooped – Urban living and development in Houston - […] to see that even Piola and The Callais Apartments in Midtown have made their appearance in engagement photos… and they turned out […]