As if he needs a post all his own after blogging about him here, here, here, and everywhere, consider this a formal introduction. :) A week ago today, we brought home our new little man, Sullivan. Just like that, work days once spent all alone have been made 50 decibels louder, and twice – no, thrice – as dirty. Even so, his little face continues to bring us such joy. So without further ado, we give you our Sully..
I do believe this was mere seconds before barking. If you couldn’t already tell.. :)
Cutest sleeper ever!
Please excuse Sully’s partial nudity. But at least we clothed half of him! :)
No matter what, he has to be near his us. Sleeping on our bellies is his favorite thing. :) And mine.
And one more of Sully and his new coat.. :)
Happy Sunday!
P.S. If any of you Houston readers are looking for a bulldog friend, our breeder has been absolutely amazing! And she’s still got one of Sully’s sisters waiting for a home! Just think, we could all be one big happy family. ;) If interested, email
Amy - Oh my goodness…he is absolutely precious! SO adorable!
Jesslyn Amber - I could seriously eat that sweet face with a spoon! I bet you two make amazing parents! :)
Jessamyn - You’re making me want a puppy…! That’s not a good thing right now!!! ;)
Breanna H - OH MY, Sully is the cutest ever! Congrats you guys.
Alicia Pyne - As I look at his sweet little face I hear his cute little snore!! :)
Rae - Hahaha that second one…. “oh crap…my mom is a photographer.”
Noël - I just want to dunk him in my coffee!!
Alyse - @Rae – Bahaha, so true. :)
jessica - i love him!!!!
Sandy K - He is so precious! I want to smell his puppy-smell!
christina moodie - These photos make me want to go out and get a cute little bulldog today. Thinking the husband won’t be up for that quite as much though. oh well. super cute pics!
Kata - I LOVE all his freckles! Especially the ones on his pads!!!
Abbey - Ayse, he is the cutest little thing!! I’m not normally a dog person, but he’s deff an exception. :)
Stephanie Bachle - Your bulldog is ADORABLE!!! I have always wanted a bulldog, male, and I wanted to name him Rupart!! But, we have two boxers instead that we wouldn’t trade for the world ;)
| Windsor Collective - […] out there has gotten a lot easier as Alyse regularly talks about her life – be it our wrinkly bulldog, Glee, her obsessive love for sushi, her adventures in cooking (she recently made zucchini gratin […]