She sat with her eyes shut. The remainder of her lashes being put on. Her hair done up in soft curls.. The suite was a whirlwind of bridesmaids disposing of leftover champagne and trying to figure out whose shoes were whose. Jay-Z was the undertone of all the giggling, all the reminiscing, all the anticipation. And in the midst of it all, Eva was still. The faintest of smiles on her face..
She was handed a gift. Wrapped up in gold, alongside a card addressed to the Future Mrs. Ryan Weston. With the same still grace, Eva opened the present she’d told Ryan not to make extravagant. After all, he’s given her so much already… And as she removed the paper, her eyes teared and her smile grew. Because that book he’d gotten her? The one with “100 mindful practices to deepen & renew your love every day…” It confirmed the decision – the promise – she was about to make. The promise of a husband who knows what it takes to make a marriage work. The promise of a love that is deliberate. A love that grows…
E & R – Thank you so much for the honor of capturing your day and celebrating right along with you! We hope you enjoy this sneak peek of your images. We know we enjoyed taking them. :) XOXO!! And a happy honeymoon to you!
With a look outside the Omni Hotel, you’ll see this small taste of the Galleria. LOVE this city.I don’t know what I love most about this image. The shoes. Or that amazing couch!
Just wait until you see Eva in THIS dress. Like a goddess, I tell you..
Eva’s twin sister Diana recently got married as well.. Congratulations all around up in here. :)
The bridesmaids’ reactions to their dear friend all dolled up and ready to get married.. Priceless. :)
Love this moment between Eva and her sweet grandmother.
And a couple more details.While I was shooting with the girls, Dylan was hanging out with the guys. Meet Ryan, the dapperly groom.
Oh how I wish I could claim these sweet images as my own. But I’m SO glad Dylan was able to capture little Hunter in a moment of calm and smileyness. ;)
At St. Luke’s. The stunning bride, making her way across the courtyard, where Ryan was waiting for their first look…
But first.. More classic beauty.
Ready. Set..
Spin him around! (This is always the moment I have to give my poor eyes a work out. Seeing through mist is hard!) :)
We then swept Eva and Ryan away for a few more portraits in the courtyard. The grounds of St. Luke’s is inspiring at every turn.
How HOTT are you guys?! P.S. Doesn’t Ryan look like James Bond here? (He may as well be.. He’s a federal agent! Which automatically makes him awesome.)
And just one more shot taken inside the chapel. Eva, you are breathtaking.
Wedding it up!
Aaand BAM.
The reception was held at Ouisie’s Table, a venue I’ve had the pleasure of working with late last year. Catering, floral, and the cake were all props to Ouisie’s incredible staff.
Twins exchanging grooms for a dance. And yet they still can’t take their eyes off one another. :)
Before we left for the night, Eva snuck back into the kitchen to ensure Dylan and I went home with cake. Have I said lately that I love my brides? ;)
Mr. and Mrs. Weston. Two, made one. We are so happy for you guys..
Happy Friday! :)
jessica - what a gorgeous wedding:) I love her dress:)…great shots my dear!