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Tidbit Tuesday #50

In 25 days, my whole family will be back together again. For the past five months, Lorae’s been galavanting Eastern Europe. Cam’s been solving p-sets at MIT. And my parents have gone all out and purchased a new refrigerator. Stain.less.steel. I tell you, all the good stuff happens after the kids leave. ;) But f’real. It’s going to be so crazy seeing everyone after such a long absence. So many new experiences to be shared. So much food to eat out of that new refrigerator.

The other day, I found Ally Barone on Twitter. You know, Ray and Debra’s daughter on Everybody Loves Raymond? I’m sort of an investigator like that. ;)

I’ve pretty much been a big ball of sickness this past week. But Dylan’s been good to me. Bringing me water. Reminding me to take my pills. Picking up food I actually want to eat since this antibiotic makes you nearly appetite-less. FYI, that one food was butternut squash soup. And it was DELISH! He also brought me home a candle as a surprise. Isn’t he adorable?

Last night, within the span of just 10 minutes, I managed to pour a gallon of water on my lap AND punch myself in the nose with my computer. The first occurred when I filled our Brita filter and forgot to wait for it to completely filter through. AKA, the top fell off and water went everywhere. The latter happened when a spastic cough sent my computer screen flying into my face. It hurt. And I cried. But it was funny. :)

Do you want to keep entertained for hours? Four words: Purina Animal All Stars. And two more: Thanks, Momma!

Song of the Week: Chugjug by Family of the Year. I know I tweeted about this new anthem of mine early last week, but in the event you didn’t see it, you MUST give it a listen-to. Major thanks to Advil for featuring Chugjug in their latest commercial. If not for them, the song of the week might be I Want a Hippopotamus For Christmas. Crap, I shouldn’t have said that. I’m sorry…

Half-Christmas is in just a few weeks! And you know what that means? Christmas specials! 1964’s Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer was a staple of my childhood. And always sponsored by 7-Up. :) Holla if you remember this! And holla if you have a favorite Christmas special or movie you’d like to share! Because this lack of snow is getting me down. (Sorta’.) And I need me some inspiration!

I have tons of shoots and wedding goodness coming your way in the next few weeks. But until then, here is a little taste of our Christmas…

Happy Tuesday!

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  • November 23, 2010 - 12:24 PM

    Diane - You’ adorable… that’s all

  • November 23, 2010 - 12:47 PM

    Abbey Barker - Dear Alyse,

    I love you. This post proves why. :)

    Abbey <3

  • November 23, 2010 - 1:31 PM

    Breanna - Aww remember Ms Schoff playing that song for us EVERY DAY hahha miss those days! And i have punched myself in the nose with a few things over the years. MIss you!!!

  • November 23, 2010 - 1:46 PM

    Stef - Those stockings are so cute!

    And it’s funny, I was wondering what happened the little Barones recently… seems like their acting careers came to a half after the show.

    I LOVE that Christmas movie, by the way. Other favorites include Home Alone (Part One is my favorite), Little Women (there are Christmas scenes in it, okay? lol), Home for the Holidays (more for Thanksgiving), and The Family Stone. I used to watch A Christmas Story all the time, too. Oh, and the cartoon Frosty and the Grinch are also some classics. ;]

  • November 23, 2010 - 7:53 PM

    Nancy - Charlie Brown Christmas goes without saying, yes??? I can’t be alone on that one can I???? But a favorite of mine, that they no longer play and I cannot find ANYWHERE, is a movie called something like “A Gift of Love: A Christmas Story” It was a tear jerker but oh so wonderful! I had it taped on an old VHS tape but that got lost. (sniff sniff) Anything by the Muppets rates high on my list and also Emmet Otter’s Jug Band Christmas!!!!

    The best Christmas song you’ve never heard but MUST listen to is called “It Wouldn’t Be Christmas Without You” by John Trones. Give it a listen!!

    Countdown to NY and Sharon Springs is under way! You’ll be here before you know it.

  • November 27, 2010 - 11:02 AM

    Mischelle Morgan - OK so one of my FAV movies during the holidays is not technally a Christmas movie. It is Holiday Inn with Fred Estair! LOVE LOVE this movie! And our fam ALWAYS watched the Christmas specials!!