When I was a kid and my parents asked me to clean my room, I’d always start by re-organizing my already moderately-organized drawers. Mom would come upstairs and say for the thousandth time, “Honey! I’m not looking for a total overhaul! I just want your bed made and your craft supplies put away!” Well, needless to say, some things never change.. Today, as I so gracefully pulled at least one muscle AND had a light fixture fall on my head in attempts to prep this post, I made sweeping the entire apartment a number one priority. Then Dylan piped up, “So, you really think all that will show up in your pictures if you don’t get rid of it right now?” With a roll of my eyes I confessed, “Ugh, I know it won’t. But. I. Just. Have. To.”
So! I present you with the Morrissey household, SUPER clean floors and all. Although it is a work in progress, it is home. And we love it. :)
Left: Our front door. Middle: Small passageway connecting the grey hallway seen to the left, and our kitchen. Behind those doors are our washer and dryer! Right: A view of my desk when our bedroom door is open. More to come on that!
Our kitchen! When Dylan and I went apartment hunting months before our wedding, I was 100% sold on this one just by its kitchen! Right: Our dining room. Notice only one chair has a cushion thus far. Coincidentally, Dylan’s laid claim to that chair. :)
Remember this? Should make a little more sense now. :)
And THIS is where all the magic happens! Right: The view of my office/living room from our dining room.
Living room. Any good suggestions for art that could go on this blank wall?
Familiar, right?? ;)
The other wall and couch and super fun pillows!
Part of our bathroom, which opens to both our bedroom and the hallway near our front door.
The framed silhouettes by each sink were actually a part of our wedding. And yes, those are really our heads! :)
Our room! SO much work yet to be done. But don’t you just LOVE the driftwood frames?!
LOVE my sweet new yellow candle holders. Now just to load up on candles. I still feel like buying candles is against the law or something. Living in college housing for four years will do that to you. ;)
And I leave you, again, with my most favorite part of our home, where I get to connect with you all through this here blog. :)
Happy Sunday!
Nina Morrissey - I think your wall is missing my artwork
Lillian - Wow, you two definitely know how to start out married life! The place looks so amazing. I think I want you to come over to our apartment and take pictures of it, so it’ll look stunning as well!
Alyse - @Nina, WORDDDD. Take that as my subtle hint. ;)
Jessica Z - So when I saw that your new home was blogged, my stomach churned with excitement… and for the extreme enviousness that I knew was to come! haha… It looks GORGEOUS/AMAZING/BEAUUUUTIFUL. After you shoot my wedding, how about you become my interior designer as well?! But seriously… AHHHH I CAN’T GET OVER YOUR HOME!!! Love youuu! <3
Rachel - I LOVE your home!!! We need to get together soon! We have SO much to talk about, miss y’all!!
Diane - something by Nina Morrissey should def. be above your sofa! The whole place is gorgeous and totally YOU
Nicole Colletti - Alyse! I loooove your decor!!!! the place looks great! sooo modern/old fashion! I love how young and fresh it looks!
best of luck to you guys!!!
mabyn - 1) I can think of multiple pictures you should hang above your couch ;o)
2) WHERE did you get your desk? It’s the exact one I’ve been wanting!
3) I LOVE your decorating skillz! You can come decorate my place anytime :)
xoxoxo <3
Alyse - @Mabs!! Ikea, baby!! http://bit.ly/cyautt
Amy - The straight edge on the toilet paper is extremely important! It’s all very beautiful and I believe the sweeping really paid off cause the floors glisten.
Stef - I love it, Alyse!! :]
HilarieMae - Alyse! Your home is SO BEAUTIFUL!!! I’m not completely sure what kind of art you’re into, but Nikki McClure does beautiful work.
André - Comfortable elegance, I love it! I did notice something rather alarming however… either you cleverly Photoshopped yourself out of the third bathroom shot or you are whittling away to nothing down there in Houston! So… trickery or tripod?
Alyse - No Photoshop! I just sucked in with all my might. No joke! :)
Jeeana - Alyse, your apartment looks like it comes straight out of a magazine. Awesome.
Also, candles. Remember back when you, me and Lorae were the three musketeers? Remember when the housing people came and raided our apartment for candles? And they didn’t check my room, but they made a beeline for the room you and Lorae shared and took all the candles even the ones with sentimental value? Remember that heartlessness?
Okay, tirade over. Whew.
Holden Davenport - WOW thats just beautiful Alyse… You should also take a profession in interior design
jessica - ok…so i tried to post earlier and my computer was being uncooperative…BUT LOVE!!! when can i move in;) hehe…just love your taste and your and Dylan’s beautiful first home together!!! it is AWESOME!!!
Manboy - Do you really sit at that desk or is it just a prop?
Alyse - @Manboy aka PETE! ;) Yes, that is my real desk.
Missy - Absolutely Beautiful Alyse! Love Love Love the kitchen!!
(Cute bag hanging from the office chair too!)
jessica - yay!! i love seeing where you are!! love the colors and decor;) will be thinking of a fun art piece for behind your couch;) love it! love you!
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