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Tidbit Tuesday #41

Sometimes I get so excited about something, I involuntarily stop breathing and squeal like a pig. And naturally, when I realize something that cool about myself, I include it in Tidbit Tuesday. So there you have it. ;)

And speaking of pig-like sounds… This re-brand is off the HOOK. I can’t even tell you how excited I am to release the new site and blog in just a few weeks. It might be a bit of a shock for some of you, as it’s completely different from the design/brand you see here. With the maturation of my business, I’ve come to realize that my current brand is just “safe.” It’s pretty. It’s girly. And I guess.. It’s me. But it’s only part me. As I’ve grown as both a person and a business-woman this past year, I’ve also grown in my love for good, solid design. Nice lines. Patterns. Colors. Etc. And I really feel my new brand is more “me” than ever. *SQUEAL*

Fact: Life is always more fun when your nails are done. Word on the street says Sally Hansen’s Commander in Chic is the new black. :)

Last night I ordered October’s 1 For Me // 1 For You items. Yes, there are TWO items this time, both from Anthropologie. To say I’m excited about this giveaway would be an understatement. Think: Kitchen. AND. SO. MUCH. FUN.

So for the last month, I’ve had extreme fatigue and eyestrain like never before. And like most of my ailments, I ultimately chalked it up to stress. But when I went for a routine physical and blood work last week, the culprit was caught red-handed. I am officially low in Vitamin D! And suddenly it all makes sense. Since moving to Houston, I literally NEVER go outside. Even when I go to the supermarket, I park underground and never see the light of day. Sure enough, Google then informed me of two main symptoms of low Vitamin D: fatigue and eye problems. BINGO. I am now a changed woman who actually takes her vitamins!

Dylan called me a butt-head this morning. Not blog-appropriate, you say? Yeah, I know. He then went on to say, “If I make you a little mad before I leave for work, you won’t have to be sad all day because you miss me.” False. Now I’m just sad because I miss my mean (but funny) husband. ;)

I was deprived growing up.. Of cool toothbrushes. Why would you buy a $10 battery-powered, hot-pink, glitter-gripped toothbrush which, miraculously, also makes pasta, when you can buy a 33-cent puke-green Dr. Du-More which accomplishes the very same thing (minus the pasta, of course). But! It all changed last week when I realized I’m an adult now, and can buy whatever toothbrush I want! I came home from Randall’s with my first-ever bright blue electric toothbrush. And it is rocking my world twice a day, every day.

Song of the week: Love Never Fails by Brandon Heath. Absolute truth set to the simplest of melodies. This song overwhelms me with every listen-to. Which brings me to a question I think we can all benefit from: What is your favorite song/artist of all time? Because, really, there’s no such thing as too much good music. And my iTunes could use a revamping.

I thought I’d leave you with the tiniest snippet of a hint of a taste of a clue of our rebrand. Because I’m really, really bad at secrets, and I just love to show off Dylan’s photog skillz…

Happy Tuesday!

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  • September 21, 2010 - 10:52 AM

    Diane - You crack me up!

  • September 21, 2010 - 10:58 AM

    Pam - LOVE Brandon Heath. Right now Quiet Company is where it is musically for me. Repeat times a million in my car. Oh and throw in some Jack Johnson too.

    The preview makes me very excited to see the new site unveiled!

  • September 21, 2010 - 11:01 AM

    Jessamyn - Its nap time at the Milo house. Over the last 2 years I’ve learned that that has to mean total silence from me… …but not today. I just bust a gut reading your blog! Hahaha! Laugh out loud funny – I couldn’t stop laughing. Especially at your toothbrush bit. You are wonderful in every way Alyse!!! :)

  • September 21, 2010 - 11:03 AM

    Jess Z. - OH, how I LOVE Tuesdays! Seriously. I can’t get enough of your blog. Can Tuesday be twice a week instead?!

    I always want to comment on EVERYTHING you say in your blogs… ya know, cuz we’re twins and all ;)

    Instead, I shall choose only a few things, such as the fact that I have been searching for a new nail color. Red and pink, while I love them and they are safe bets, just aren’t cutting it anymore. I bought this brown-ish color last week, but it chips within a few hours. So your Sally Hansen suggestion is going to be on my nails this afternoon! (Please CVS, have this color!)

    #2: Ingrid Michaelson. In love, which I’m sure you already know, but I STILL can’t get enough of her. She has a new single out, which means that a new CD should be on the way shortly!

    Last, I CANNOT WAIT to see your rebrand. Seriously. OH and the rest of your apartment!

    Love youuu, have a wonderful Tuesday! :-D

  • September 21, 2010 - 11:07 AM

    Abbey - Dear Alyse,
    I love you. You make me laugh. The girl sitting next to me at the gym is looking at me weird because I’m laughing.

  • September 21, 2010 - 12:52 PM

    Hayley - I have been listening to Needtobreathe nonstop for the past two weeks, so I guess you could say I love them. Plus, I totally understand the Vitamin D deficiency–it gets really hot down here!

  • September 21, 2010 - 3:42 PM

    jessica - your toothbrush revelation was the same as my toilet paper and shampoo revelation! it took me the longest before i stopped always buying suave and the ultra thin toilet paper to save money…i remember after realizing that i was an adult and could buy whatever i wanted, i walked the aisles of toilet paper and shampoo forever selecting the best and most wanted brands i had longed for while growing up! it still makes me happy when i can also buy Simmply Orange everytime i want orange juice…no matter if it’s on sale or not!!! FREEDOM! hehe…oh, and my nails are currently painted “Starbucks Green”!! I feel prettiest when my nails are done!!! oh…and one more thing! i love your new not-so-little contest! can’t wait to see what’s up for random selection this month;) my kitchen is anticipating the possibility as well:) love your giving heart! and love you!!!!!

  • September 21, 2010 - 5:15 PM

    Breanna - Bahaha i love your toothbrush story. And “butthead” havn’t heard that in a LONG time- made me laugh. Anywho, i am very excited to see your new brand.. i love the picture!!!

    xoxo Bre

  • September 21, 2010 - 10:32 PM

    Lizzie - yay it’s tuesday!!! it’s been a long day..and your stories of being called a butt-head and buying the COOLEST toothbrush ever make me happy. And yay for vitamins! I always get the gummy ones for kids.. hehehe.. but shh, don’t tell. Anthropologie is pretty much the coolest place ever. I walked into one in DC when I was younger-ish..and wanted pretty much everything in the store. But that was also back when I owned only about five bucks :(. thumbs up for “love never fails”. so beautiful and challenging. have you heard of the band “Night Beds”? yes the name is lame..but look them up!! “lorraine”, “how did you get so far away”, “forest devil”, and “east of the sun; west of the moon” are my favorites. they have some songs on myspace too :)

    okay time for bed…love you alyse!!!!

  • September 22, 2010 - 2:13 PM

    Danielle - My favorite song currently is “Beautiful Things” by Gungor. It’s a husband and wife duo, and they are absolutely awesome!!

    I love your blog and look forward to Tuesday each week to come and read your new Tidbit Tuesday! Thank you for the laughs and incredible photography that your blog provides! : )